Monday, April 26, 2010

The Lovely Bones (2009)

I at first thought this movie would totally not be something I would like. I creep out uber easily and a movie about a girl murdered by a serial killer just is not my usual cup of tea. Even my husband said he would pass. However, I had heard good things about it and something told me that it would not freak me out.

The Lovely Bones is a story about a girl who is murdered by a throughly creepy neighbor and who spends her time in the "in between" as her little brother calls it trying to simultaniously help her family come to terms with her death and bring her killer to justice. She is also along the way coming to accept her own death and the loss of a life cut short.

I was pleasantly suprised at the beauty of the film. The "in between" world is at times serene and other times menacing. In fact, the way they beautifully illustrated the story is the best part of the movie.

The girl's families story is the background for her coming to terms with her own death. Several times she refuses to go past a certian point or go through a certian door because to do that would mean that she is truely separated from the ones she loves for eternity. For a time staying in the in between gives her comfort and she tells her she is giving her family comfort too.

Finally though she sees that her refusal to let go of them is hurting them and she goes through the door. True healing and closure comes for her family after she lets them go and accepts her fate.

This all sounds morbid I know but there is a hopefulness to this story. I don't agree with the entire concept of an "in between" but I do think this movie is a touching look at greif and mourning after a tragic loss. Time must pass and events must be accepted for peace to come again. In the end she finds peace and so does her family.

I would recommend this movie to mature adults because the themes are very strong and sometimes quite disturbing. You have to come in willing to see where the story goes. If you can do that then I think you will enjoy the movie.

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