Monday, April 26, 2010

Primary Colors (1998)

There was so much mystery around the novel Primary Colors by Anonymous when it came out. I remember the hoopla. Who had written it? Was it true? Which parts were made up?

Eventually it was reveiled that Joe Klein of Newsweek was the author. Now, I like Joe Klein's op ed pieces. He tends to be a little more sane than the rest -- most of the time. I was intrigued to see what the story was all about.

The book is based on the Clinton Presidential Campaign in 1992. I love reading about politics, watching political movies, reading op ed columns and generally sticking my nose in the issues so I also wanted to see the movie just because it dealt with politics.

What I saw was a poginant piece on politics in our time. Politics is messy. It is ugly. There are shades of grey in political life that outsiders never comprehended to be possible. I know some of what I am talking about. I was a campaign manager breifly. My dally in local politics soured me so much that to this day I do not want to be involved in the dirty business of electing someone -- unless I am absolutely certian that they are not a liar, cheat and fraud. I am still looking for that person.

The climax of the movie is Kathy Bates monologue on how playing dirty in politics should not be an option. We should care a little for human decency and dignity. It should be about the ideas that can better society and not about how much we can tear the other down.

I wish this were true. I really wish people stood by their principles more and didn't spend so much time and energy tearing each other down. How kindergarden is that?

Anyways, I thought it was an excellent movie -- bad acting aside -- because of the clear portrayal of what a political machine can do to people.

The Young Victoria (2009)

I had so wanted to see this in the theater when it came out! I love period historical pieces -- especially romantic ones. Would this one be as interesting as Victoria and Albert an A&E mini-series that I adored? Or would it be a boring look into the life of a facinating family?

There were parts that I liked better than the A&E version. First I liked that they made the love between Albert and Victoria mutual from the start and did not play it as some sort of arranged marriage that one comes to accept. I also thought Emily Blunt did a great job as Victoria. She played the part with the dignity and grace befitting what we want to think Royalty are like.

However, I did think that the film was somewhat shallow. Quite simply there are just too many interesting things that Victoria and Albert did during their lives together and apart that were missing from the story. I would have liked to have seen more depth in what they did touch on or even more breadth to fit those details in.

Also, the whole love triangle thing with Lord Melbourne was too much.

All in all I am glad I saw it but would not go out of my way to see it again. I am glad I waited till it came out on video.

The Lovely Bones (2009)

I at first thought this movie would totally not be something I would like. I creep out uber easily and a movie about a girl murdered by a serial killer just is not my usual cup of tea. Even my husband said he would pass. However, I had heard good things about it and something told me that it would not freak me out.

The Lovely Bones is a story about a girl who is murdered by a throughly creepy neighbor and who spends her time in the "in between" as her little brother calls it trying to simultaniously help her family come to terms with her death and bring her killer to justice. She is also along the way coming to accept her own death and the loss of a life cut short.

I was pleasantly suprised at the beauty of the film. The "in between" world is at times serene and other times menacing. In fact, the way they beautifully illustrated the story is the best part of the movie.

The girl's families story is the background for her coming to terms with her own death. Several times she refuses to go past a certian point or go through a certian door because to do that would mean that she is truely separated from the ones she loves for eternity. For a time staying in the in between gives her comfort and she tells her she is giving her family comfort too.

Finally though she sees that her refusal to let go of them is hurting them and she goes through the door. True healing and closure comes for her family after she lets them go and accepts her fate.

This all sounds morbid I know but there is a hopefulness to this story. I don't agree with the entire concept of an "in between" but I do think this movie is a touching look at greif and mourning after a tragic loss. Time must pass and events must be accepted for peace to come again. In the end she finds peace and so does her family.

I would recommend this movie to mature adults because the themes are very strong and sometimes quite disturbing. You have to come in willing to see where the story goes. If you can do that then I think you will enjoy the movie.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

So many movies, so little time.

Ok, I have seen alot of movies in my time. Probably alot that ya'll have not seen. In fact I am sure there are some that you would go huh? Or maybe some of you who know me would be shocked, shocked to know I saw. At last count I had seen in full over 600 movies in the last 21 years, not to mention the ones I started and never finished. One day I will publish the list, but that is not what this blog is about. This blog is my take on the movies I see or have seen. My goal is to watch 365 movies this year that I have never seen before but have wanted to see. I will write my reviews here as well as some reviews of movies I think are worth your time. I may even throw in some cautionary tales of what not to watch.